Metal Slug Anthology (PC/Full/Eng)

Metal Slug Anthology For PC merupakan game PSP yang bisa dimainkan di PC menggunakan Emulator. Game ini isinya sudah terdiri atas ::
Ø Metal Slug
Ø Metal Slug X
Ø Metal Slug 2
Ø Metal Slug 3
Ø Metal Slug 4
Ø Metal Slug 4 Plus
Ø Metal Slug 5
Ø Metal Slug 5 Plus
System requirements ::
OS: Windows XP or above;
CPU: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor or equivalent;
System Memory: XP: 512MB, Vista / Win7: 1GB;
Video card: Direct X 9.0c with 128MB of Video RAM;
Sound Card: Direct X 9.0c Compatible Sound Card.
- Ability to co-op 2 players
- Cartoons as a graphic dimension
- Different levels of difficulty
- Original graphics and sounds
- Cartoons as a graphic dimension
- Different levels of difficulty
- Original graphics and sounds
ScreenShots ::
Metal Slug Anthology From Fileserve (Size : 216 Mb)
By Admin JerryTiberlake
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